It’s easy to pass off Maison Shūko as another gimmicky restaurant in Singapore’s ever-evolving dining landscape: Three chefs whipping up Japanese-inspired, French-influenced Mod Asian food in a small eight-seater space, topped off with an audio-visual presentation that accompanies the entire meal. While it may sound like a lot to take in, we assure you – it’s incredibly enjoyable.

Maison Shūko is helmed by chefs Jeremmy Chiam and Justin Foo who work in surprising synchronicity, which is then reflected in each dish presented. Here, locally farmed produce takes center stage and is executed with the respect and finesse it deserves. There is the crocodile from Long Kuang Hung, which is inspired by the Thai dish, laab, featuring a zingy combination of black garlic, herbs, and spices, and completed with the addition of charcoal rice keropok.

Following this is goat cheese from Hay Dairies, where the inherent gaminess of the dairy is tempered by the sweet and sour flavors of various tomato textures. Meanwhile, Jurong Frog Farm bullfrog legs are given the har cheong treatment and marinated in fermented prawn, fried to perfection, and served with an unexpected yet enjoyable papaya sambal sorbet that complements the entire dish with its hot flavor and cool texture.

Throughout the delicious journey, Chef Foo also proves that he is not just capable in the kitchen – he is quite the gifted producer as well. Before each course begins, a three-minute film that he shot and edited is shown, giving diners a chance to better appreciate and understand each dish presented before them.