Perfect Pairing by Martell brings together 11 dining partners to showcase unique culinary creations inspired by the famed Cognac house. From now till 18 December, discerning diners can embark on culinary journeys that pair the iconic Martell Cordon Bleu as well as other blends of the storied cognac house with dining experiences at 11 dining partners.

Perfect Pairing by Martell partners some of Singapore’s leading chefs and restaurants, from renowned Chinese restaurants Taste Paradise and Yan’s Dining, to Western restaurants like steakhouse The Feather Blade and wine hall Corduroy Palace, for a series of bold gastronomic discoveries.

Each menu showcases new and re-invented culinary creations inspired by the unique flavour profiles and characteristics of the complex cognacs by Martell. For example, at Cantonese restaurant Madame Fan, diners can enjoy the Caviar and Hokkaido Scallop with Honey Whole Grain Mustard Dressing infused with Martell Cordon Bleu. At modern Asian restaurant Avenue 87, liquid nitrogen is used to create a crispy coconut dish that drew inspiration from the local dessert chendol, and served with Martell XO.

Table at 7 has a delightful Milky Fish Broth with Japanese white fish, Boston lobster and fish noodles, served with Martell Cordon Bleu In Flask. Having tried this dish, we find that the addition of the cognac brings an already flavourful broth to a whole new level. Even private dining venue Good Graces is involved, where chef Grace Kee offers a locally inspired ice cream bar in dark chocolate and buah keluak, and paired with Martell Chanteloup XXO.